• スピード : 1 X
  • ループ
  • 前倒し払い
  • 外部プレーヤー
  • 自動比率
  • 0.5
  • 0.8
  • 通常
  • 1.5
  • 2


Aiden is sick of his job. His boss keeps harassing him, sending him into important meetings alone, and being an overall pain in his ass. He's done with it. His wife Reina gets to sit at home all day while he busts his butt at work. It's not fair. The Old Switcharoo Lucky for him his body swap pill finally came in the mail. He's hatched a plan so that he never has to work again. He's going to switch into his wife's body. She'll have to do his job, act like him, go into his job,
